How We Judge A Man
How do we judge a man? It’s a tricky question. After all, how often have we been told not to judge anyone at all? Realistically, we do and must judge others every day. We judge their character to determine whether or not they are a “good” person. The criteria for this judgment has always been difficult for me to determine. However, after a disturbing experience in one of my college courses, I discovered the answer to that question. In my public speaking class, we were given two minutes to prepare an impromptu speech in response to a random prompt. One young man announced that, according to his little slip of paper, he was called to defend his friend who had been arrested for possession. He took the floor, threw away the paper, and began with a decent—albeit generic—introduction. “Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, do we judge a man for his mistakes, or for the strength of his character?” It felt like a line from a corny movie, but I could hardly h...