The Problem With Liking Things
The problem with liking things is that nothing is safe. Unfortunately, everything out there to fall in love with has a stigma and a label attached to it. In some areas of the world, especially in the U.S., the stereotypes can be extremely derogatory and unkind. It progresses to the point where mentioning an interest in something automatically classifies you to your listener as a very particular sort of obsessed fanatic, and this scares them away from you. Why? Because we don't like extremes. Anything that stands apart from the crowd catches our attention, and if it's just interesting enough for us to notice, nod and appreciate it, then be on our merry way, we accept it. But if it stops traffic, if it is just too abnormal for us to immediately look away, if it is so different and unusual that it makes us uncomfortable, we judge that thing as freakish and frightening. We reject it. So I come back to my point about liking things. If you like America, if you like patrio...